2018-08-18 Paralela Universo – Binghamton, NY

On August 18, we went to Binghamton to participate in the Paralela Universo with the Binghamton, NYC, Rochester, and Syracuse Esperanto clubs. What a good meeting! Thank you Kelly and other people for organizing it. What is the Paralela Universo? Read more here: https://paralelauniversum.com/

During the morning we ate at Crepe Heaven where I ate a waffle with apples, cinnamon, and whipped cream. We also had hot chocolate, of course! Everything was delicious. I would like to eat there again.

In Binghamton and neighboring cities there are carousels with horses. There are six carousels and we rode five (the sixth was closed for repairs). If you ride all six, you receive a pin / button!

In the afternoon we went to a Chinese restaurant and after went to the last carousels.

We really enjoyed the day and hope we’ll see everyone at ARE in October!

(Thanks to Raúl J Garcia for the group photo.)

2018-08-09 The first meeting

The first meeting of the new Mohawk-Hudson Esperanto Club happened on 9 August at the Colonie Center food court. We ate, chatted, and searched for jokes on the web.

For example: Eta princino trovas ranon kaj la rano diras per homa lingvo: “Se vi kisos min, mi turniĝos en belan princon.” La princino iom pripensas kaj diras: “Mi ne kisos vin. Mi volas parolantan ranon!” — http://ridejo.ikso.net/sxerco/1654